Joseph Sipalan
Joseph Sipalan
Joseph Sipalan has done extensive reporting of Malaysia, specialising in politics and more recently macro-economics. An alumnus of Reuters and several major Malaysian news organisations.

The Chinese premier’s trip to celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations coincides with news of Kuala Lumpur’s intention to join Beijing-backed Brics.


The latest tranche is the fourth made by Washington, raising the total amount repatriated to the Southeast Asian nation to around US$1.4 billion.


Rising interest in China travel among Malaysia’s Malay-Muslims has seen demand pick up, with agencies handling tour groups in the ‘double digits’ this year.

After a half-century of friendship, deep economic ties are fuelling concerns Malaysia may find itself caught in the middle of intensifying rivalry between China and the United States.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim accused of ignoring public sentiments by roping in a firm with perceived ties to Israel to run the country’s airports.


Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim wants 15 per cent of all vehicles on Malaysian roads to be EVs by 2030, but lack of cheaper models could hobble the target.


Experts say proposed solutions like shutting down unhealthy late-night eateries will not solve what is fundamentally a lifestyle problem caused by a lack of health awareness.


Nurul Izzah Anwar says social media is a key driver behind the societal shift, which has seen the conservative ‘green wave’ sway voters and split the country.

A Unicef study found 52 per cent of children in low-income households in the capital ate fewer than three meals a day, with many families selling personal items to get by.

The decision to invite Lockheed Martin and BAE to a government-backed expo has raised questions about the consistency of PM Anwar Ibrahim’s criticism of the Gaza war with the actions of his government.

Malaysia has been accused by the West of helping Tehran evade sanctions through the supply of Iranian oil to China via a “dark fleet” in its waters.


From Singapore and Malaysia to Australia, New Zealand and the China-focused clinics of Thailand, would-be parents are finding fertility treatments can take their financial, physical and emotional toll.


Silicon Valley giants including Microsoft, Amazon and Google, along with Chinese tech conglomerates such as Alibaba, are making a big push to grow in Southeast Asia.

The American chicken franchise, fast-food rival McDonald’s and US coffee chain Starbucks have all become targets of a nationwide boycott movement triggered by Israel’s war on Gaza.


Media freedom advocates warn of public discourse being stifled after Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim called for action to be taken against sources in a contentious news report.
