Josephine Ma
Josephine Ma
Hong Kong
News editor, China
Josephine Ma is China news editor and has covered China news for the Post for more than 20 years. As a correspondent in Beijing, she reported on everything from the 2003 Sars outbreak to the riots in Lhasa and the Beijing Olympics in 2008. She has been based in Hong Kong since 2009. She has a master’s degree in development studies from the London School of Economics and a bachelor’s degree in English language from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The largely corruption-free delivery of everyday government services took decades to achieve and helped to make Hong Kong into an international city.


Anti-vaxxers and jab proponents push warring narratives, making rational discussions about medical benefits and risks difficult. But the best time for candour and intensive research is now – before another pandemic hits.


Deadly highway collapse and tornado in storm-battered Guangdong province serve as reminders of importance of predicting and preparing for weather disasters.


Pledge comes in joint statement issued as Lankan Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena wraps up five-day visit to China, where debt restructuring was top of the agenda.

A recent case involving the murder of a 13-year-old boy has highlighted the problems facing children whose parents leave their rural homes to look for work.


President Xi Jinping wants officials and media to make China’s voice heard over the Western narrative. Millions have been spent, but there is frustration that the campaign is doing little to sway international opinion.

Problems such as the property and stock market slumps, the sluggish recovery and lack of jobs for the young have put many middle-income households in a precarious position.

While some cite fall of Soviet Union and Lenin’s chequered legacy for China’s low-key response to Lenin’s death centenary, one analyst asserts that Leninism ‘is in the DNA’ of the party.

The country says it will be more selective about sharing judgments to online database while setting up new archives offering limited information to the public, prompting outcry from lawyers and scholars.

Jiang Ping was known as the ‘conscience’ of the profession and for his advocacy for the rule of law. He played a role in drafting key legislation including corporate, trust, contract and property laws.

State media is trying to paint a rosy picture of rural life to lure people to the countryside as the country’s economy struggles to get back on track.


Three Philippine fisheries bureau vessels ‘intruded’ into waters near disputed shoal, China Coast Guard says, as Manila condemns obstruction of supply mission.
