SCMP Editorial
SCMP Editorial
Editorials represent the views of the South China Morning Post on the issues of the day.

Justice is being delayed in Hong Kong as system battles to cope with numbers resulting from 2019 civil unrest and passing of national security law in 2020.

New China capital-raising measures will revamp pricing mechanism for IPOs, encourage mergers and acquisitions, and offer more exchange-traded funds and derivative products.

City should take steps to foster student development as Pisa ranks Hong Kong below the international average, and far behind top-ranked Singapore, on creative thinking.

If there is an IT problem, the Hong Kong Airport Authority should be able to maintain separate flows of updated information through website and app services.

Scholarships and other financial subsidies by non-government agencies should be strengthened so that no Hong Kong student will be denied access to higher education.

An urgent review is required after a burst tyre on a cargo plane shut down one runway for eight hours and inconvenienced passengers, especially those who had connecting flights.

Government expresses “deep concern” after Wong Tai Sin blackout, the latest in a string of outages in Hong Kong that have yet to be adequately reviewed and explained

Emergency mechanism to help at-risk Hong Kong students should be reviewed to offer greater support and investigate the number of psychiatric referrals.


The resounding gains of the far-right in European parliamentary elections will highlight the divide with centrist parties on how to deal with China.

In a story sure to inspire others, the city is no longer just an observer cheering for heroes from mainland China as they conquer new frontiers.