
United Nationsi

The UN is an international organisation founded after World War II that aims to provide a dialogue platform between countries, fortifying international corporation and preventing future wars. There are currently 193 members led by five permanent members of the Security Council - US, Russia, UK, France and China. The organisation currently has six principal organs: General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Secretariat, International Court of Justice, and the Trusteeship Council.  


The United Nations’ World Heritage Committee has recommended Stonehenge be listed as in danger after experts warned of ‘permanent, irreversible harm’ to the area from a planned road tunnel.


UN Palestinian refugee agency sued by 101 plaintiffs in Manhattan court for ‘aiding and abetting Hamas’ genocide, crimes against humanity, and torture’.

A new treaty signed between North Korea and Russia provides for “mutual assistance” in case either country faces aggression, Russian leader Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday, in an apparent warning to the West.


Manila’s bid for UN recognition of an extended continental shelf claim could encourage similar moves, adding more complexity to tangled disputes, observers say.


A delegation will attend as the talks’ agenda appears ‘beneficial to Afghanistan’, but civil society groups criticise lack of focus on women’s rights.


The question looming over the summit will be how Ukraine and Russia can move back from the brink and eventually silence the guns of war, without Moscow attending.


Since the war began, Canberra has denied supplying directly to Israel, but former diplomats and academics said those words were an “exercise in semantics”.


The United Nations’ refugee agency UNHCR said conflicts in places like Gaza, Sudan and Myanmar have forced even more people to flee their homes.

The independent Commission of Inquiry’s report is the United Nations’ first in-depth investigation into the events of the war that erupted on October 7.

Blinken said the Hamas statement from an official based outside Gaza was ‘a hopeful sign’ but definitive word was still needed from the Hamas leadership in Gaza.

Malaysia has been in the spotlight for months over allegations that forced labour, debt bondage and scam jobs have riddled its recruitment market for foreign labour.
