Wee Kek Koon
Wee Kek Koon
Having lived his whole life in the modern cities of Singapore and Hong Kong, Wee Kek Koon has an inexplicable fascination with the past. He is constantly amazed by how much he can mine from China's history for his weekly column in Post Magazine, which he has written since 2005.

The world has got used to eating spicy food – witness Denmark’s recall of too-spicy instant noodles. To think that centuries ago chillis were unknown to most Chinese, used instead of salt by ethnic-minority cooks.

How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies, a film portraying a young man’s relationship with his grandmother, gets Wee Kek Koon thinking of his own, and of China’s grandmother rulers.

Israeli forces show a cruel disregard for the lives of Palestinian civilians in Gaza in their pursuit of Hamas fighters. Non-combatants are often slaughtered in war, as China’s history shows. Is it bloodlust?

China had laws against domestic violence in the second century BC, but the punishments for men and women abusers were far from equal, a state of affairs that continued into the 20th century.


Seeing Malacca in Malaysia today, it is hard to imagine the extent of its territory hundreds of years ago. The influence of its European colonists is well known, that of imperial China much less so.

Adverts are turning me off social media. They’ve been around a long time. A fake ad was recorded 2,700 years ago in China, and ads there 1,000 years ago were as sophisticated as some we see today.

When Lawrence Wong becomes Singapore prime minister his government will wield the real power. In imperial China, absolute monarchs appointed prime ministers but hesitated to share power with them.

An hour by high-speed train from Hong Kong, in Guangzhou, is the Huaisheng Mosque, which probably dates from the 10th century, some three centuries after Muslims began settling in the city.

(Spoiler alert) A character in Netflix’s 3 Body Problem brings to mind a Chinese military leader who has been vilified as a traitor for nearly 400 years for allowing Manchu troops to overrun China.

Passports issued by Singapore and Malaysia don’t separate first and last names, confusing airline computers and online apps. Why the constant demands to state a surname when none is defined?

Soba and soumen wheat noodles are my preferred Japanese varieties, but after eating udon on a visit to Kagawa in Shikoku, especially the local Sanuki udon, I was won over by their chewiness.

The collapse of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge showed how vulnerable modern bridges can be. China’s Marco Polo Bridge has stood the test of time, and has been the scene of historically important events.

Why power plugs and sockets are not standardised worldwide is anyone’s guess. China’s First Emperor was all about standardisation – he introduced the universal Chinese writing system used to this day.

The practice of burying the dead with funerary objects began in China over 3,000 years ago. At first of bronze or clay, they were superseded by ceramic ‘sancai’ wares. Today these are coveted as ornaments.

Eyebrow cosmetics were widely used in ancient China, where women drew eyebrows shaped like feathers, tadpoles, daggers, even fat silkworm cocoons according to the fashions of their time.

Royal pardons have hit the news recently after those granted to Malaysia’s ex-prime minister Najib Razak and former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra. In ancient China, they were all about ‘good optics’.

Only one singer in ancient China could generate a buzz like that felt in Singapore ahead of Taylor Swift’s March concerts – Yongxin, who enchanted an emperor and a city before losing everything.

Two language-related controversies mark this year’s Lunar New Year, one of which is using the word ‘dragon’ to translate lóng or loong in Chinese, as if the animal is a Chinese copy of a Western original.

For people from Fujian and other parts of southeast China, the ninth day of Chinese New Year is a day to worship the Jade Emperor, or Lord of Heaven. Many do so with long stalks of sugar cane.

Corruption charges against Singapore’s former transport minister call into question the efficacy of paying public servants high salaries. The practice didn’t make those in imperial China honest, after all.

Ancient Chinese used incense as a room and clothing freshener, then liquid perfumes arrived from the Middle East around 1,000 years ago. Modern China fell in love with Florida Water in the 20th century.

Malaysian government ministers rejected a suggestion male foreigners be allowed sex workers, but in ancient China sex workers were recognised and divided into six categories.

Around two dozen kings or emperors abdicated during China’s monarchical rule, some voluntarily like Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II – most famously the Qianlong Emperor – and others decidedly less so.

Traffic regulations came about in ancient China as large cities emerged; unlawful speeding on horseback could get one flogged, youth gave way to the old, and the nobles always had right of way.

Reports of Roman emperor Elagabalus begging to undergo gender transition and Chinese emperor Ming of the Wei dynasty wearing feminine fashions show why we should sometimes question historical accounts.

Uber and its like are still illegal in Hong Kong, where a politically connected taxi cartel seeks a clampdown on ride hailing rather than modernising to compete, and rogue cabbies rip off passengers.


Sikh separatist demands for a homeland have become widely known since the murder of one and bid to kill another in North America. Sun Yat-sen’s kidnap in London did the same for Chinese revolutionaries.

Erdet Wenxiu was 12 when she was chosen as the secondary wife of Aisin Gioro Puyi. Scorned, she served him divorce papers, became a teacher, then an editor – and was buried in a pauper’s grave in 1953.

China lacked a national flag until the Qing dynasty launched its Yellow Dragon standard. A design with 5 horizontal bands followed, then the version still flown in Taiwan, before the Red Flag.

People will place a wager on almost anything, and Chinese people especially. Hence the harsh punishments emperors meted out for gamblers – which for several centuries included beheading.